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lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013

The Whistleblower

Hi everyone!Now that the weather is becoming colder, is there anything better than watching a movie under your blanket?.
I would like to recommend you: The Whistleblower. This movie, inspired by actual events, takes place in the Bosnian post-war, during a UN peacekeeping operation.
Kathryn Bolkovac, the main character, is a cop in Lincoln (Nebraska), her boss proposes her to work at the UN International police during six months in Bosnia and he accepts.
After some months working there, she discovers that some members of the UN peacekeeping operation are involved in sex trafficking of underage girls and go freqently to brothels.

Horrified by this finding she tries to denounce the situation inside the organization. But the truth is that they have been covering it up in order to protect the organization as a whole and protect security contracts.
After trying to solve the problem by her own means she is fired and comes back home, where she decides to bring the scandal to light throughout the BBC.

Here is a link to one of the interviews that The Telegraph made public last year: interview of Kathyrn-Bolkovac (by Alastair Good).

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