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miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2013

"The parliament of nations"

Yesterday, 24th of September, the United Nations General Assembly 68th edition was inaugurated.
The General Assembly of the United nations is the main representative organ and it mainly carries out policy-making tasks. Every year representants from the 193 forming the UN gather together to try to bring some light to next challenges that need to be addressed from a global perspective. The discussion in the fórum addresses different issues covered by the UN Charter and it provides the op
portunity to listen to different points of view or solutions to solve the same problems.

UN Photo/Paulo Filgueiras
The Assembly elects a President each year, this year the UN Ambassador of Antigua and Barbuda, Jon Ashe, was elected to perform this task. The new president declared after being elected the 14 of June that two of his main goals for this 68th edition were "overcoming poverty and ensuring sustainable development"; two challenges that thus will be addressed during this General Assembly.

The Assembly has certain rules of procedure and vote. In order to make decissions all the issues are discussed prior to the votation. When it comes to vote, each country has one vote, granted that they paid their due economic contribution to the organization; but some member states, due to their special conditions might be granted the right to vote even if the are delayed in their payments, if they can provide with enough justification.

The resolutions taken on the main questions such as: admission of new members, budgetary matters or peace and security measures, need to be voted by 2/3 of the majority. Other questions will only require a simple majority to pass.

Due to security reasons general public is no admitted during the sessions, but all the sessions are public and you can follow them live at this website .There you can also find further information about draft proposals, voting records, etc.
You can enjoy this sessions until the 1st of October, when the closing session will take place.

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